Implementation Planning

Architecting and planning the detailed interventions for improvement


Most managers in organisational roles never get the range of experience in “architecting” improvements to master it as a skill. Therefore, engaging our “craft” experience of hundreds of efforts in many industries and organisations over 20 years is extremely helpful to clients in their decision making. Understanding the planning cycle and required granularity at every step and level of implementing improvements is one of our key strengths.

The Approach

We work directly with leaders and change agents in “architecting” their improvement initiatives.

This builds on Diagnosis to establish

  1. Where the organisation is in terms of its
    • Change maturity and capability
    • Readiness and motivation
    • Previous successes and failures
  2. The nature of the improvement the organisation is considering
    • Why do it?
    • How urgent is it?
    • What resources, people and money, are available?
  3. How big a deal is it for the workforce?
    • Are they interested?
    • How precisely will they be impacted?
    • What benefits are at stake?

Depending on these unique complexities we can help you identify what type of people will be needed to lead the effort successfully, what level of involvement will be most effective and when, what type of governance will be helpful, what interventions are most likely to be effective and how to design and deliver them, how to track and keep the initiative on course, whilst being opportunistic and nimble en route.


The benefits from well architected implementation planning efforts are

  1. The right level of planning at each stage is established. (Efforts are often over planned with way too many assumptions and uncertainty leading to a cottage industry of re-modelling the plan.)
  2. A rationale for all interventions that match the improvement and the situation is established.
  3. Expectations for the required effort to realise the improvement are more realistically established.
  4. Interventions are designed and specified to a level that allows competent managers to execute.
  5. A process for efficient plan-do-review is established.

Related case study


OrgZoo is an education, method and consulting support service for large organisations who must implement improvements. We focus primarily on defining, designing and delivering the behavioural modifications required from people to realise benefit from the improvement effort. Then we provide the practical tools to help leaders navigate the improvement journey.

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