EZOZ Behavioural Programmes

Enabling behaviours that build trust, boost resilience and increase positive impact and influence


Previously we would have depended solely on upskilling change leaders (sponsors and change agents) in implementation methods and tools as a way to prepare them for leading a critical improvement.

However, we have learned that how these leaders behave is the key instrument of achieving effective behaviour change in others.

Now we would always suggest you lead with helping leaders improve their behaviour first, rather than learn implementation method.

We utilise behavioural programmes and system by EZOZ our partner company to achieve this.

The Approach

EZOZ provide behavioural change interventions that are practical and focus on behaviour (outside-in) rather than being personality and thinking based (inside-out).

They utilise the Z model to navigate the individual behaviour change journey and also explore the Z model in simulation tasks. This makes them ideal for initial learning about the Z and the Business Improvement Method.


Following an EZOZ leadership development or team performance programme

  1. Business changes are strengthened through effective behavioural modelling
  2. Ability to positively impact and influence people is improved
  3. A climate of safe, supportive feedback enhanced
  4. Trust in relationships and resilience are boosted


OrgZoo is an education, method and consulting support service for large organisations who must implement improvements. We focus primarily on defining, designing and delivering the behavioural modifications required from people to realise benefit from the improvement effort. Then we provide the practical tools to help leaders navigate the improvement journey.

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