
The Business Improvement Method and associated tools


Where an organisation adopts a good quality practice for implementing improvements, or regulatory type changes, the benefits can be great. A language for implementation becomes invaluable to describe complex situations and align people around the “change related” tasks in hand.

The Business Improvement Method (The Method), the Z diagnostic board and materials provide a visual top level and detailed level toolkit to diagnose, assess viability, plan, implement and track to completion any improvement effort e.g. change project, transformation, restructuring, new IT System etc. Application of The Method is likely to reduce the number of improvements you attempt and increase likelihood of success for the improvements you commit to.

The Approach

We offer direct licensing of The Method and its artefacts or creation of an organisation’s bespoke approach (informed by The Method) approach to implementation. The Method can be released through materials, training and application, or embedded into core processes e.g. project lifecycle or investment processes.


  1. Shared language and codification of implementation issues is introduced.
  2. High quality tools, aids, facilitation guidance and processes to help you get practical and detailed are transferred.
  3. Confidence and capability to architect even complex business improvement efforts is increased.
  4. Your Project Management Method is supplemented. If you already have a project methodology The Method can often supplement this with detail on “How To..”.  For example providing guidance to complete a readiness assessment.

Related case study



OrgZoo is an education, method and consulting support service for large organisations who must implement improvements. We focus primarily on defining, designing and delivering the behavioural modifications required from people to realise benefit from the improvement effort. Then we provide the practical tools to help leaders navigate the improvement journey.

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